Monday, September 27, 2010

33 Days before the next 3-day weekend!

I love long weekends! 33 days 'til the next 3-day weekend! Can't wait! :D

Googly Gooey's 5 Stages of Dieting

Again, diets never work! :D Eating is sooo much fun! :D

Fun Facts from Googly Gooeys: Fact # 32

Alt + Tab is truly one of the best shortcuts ever! :D Saves you from long & awkward conversations with your boss. :p

Fun Facts from Googly Gooeys: Fact # 51

Guys, I know this is a difficult skill to master. But hey, practice makes perfect! :D

Fun Facts from Googly Gooeys: Fact # 47

Try not to feel guilty whenever you eat. You should cherish every bite! Negative vibes will only make you want to eat more! Hence, happy eaters won't get fat! :D

Fun Facts from Googly Gooeys: Fact # 56

Haha! We only end up fooling ourselves & eating so much more than usual each time we attempt to diet. So remember, diets NEVER work! :P

Fun Facts from Googly Gooeys: Fact # 24

Nowadays, people can be reached anytime anywhere. It stresses us out when people don't reply instantaneously. Tsk...tsk...tsk... However, we should accept that not all people are glued to their devices. It should be acceptable to reply within 24 hours if the matter is not really urgent. :D